Main Goal

Create several stories for an advertisement inspired by the USP of a brand.


The exercise takes around 50 minutes, for groups of 3 students.


Students need pen and paper or computers.


After the exercise, each group has a brands each with its own USP.


In a next step, students could pick one of the story ideas and develop it further.


Jessica Tscherrig talks about using USPs in her keynote.

Read more about USPs on Wikipedia.

Stage 1.

Each group has to choose one brand and research and list the unique selling points of the brand. What makes this brand special? What does this brand have, that their competitors do not have?

Try to create a story idea where each USP is exaggerated. Dare to go over the top and make it absurd. Is the brand modern, then go futuristic and sci-fi. Is the brand reliable, then bring in a very nerdy person in a suit. Just go crazy and exaggerate!

Stage 2.

It’s opposites day! Once groups have finished, they should do the same exercise, but then take the USP to the other extreme. Remember this brand with the modern USP? How would a conservative grandfather use their products? And the reliable brand, can we use this in some kind of daring extreme sports setting?

Stage 3.

Once the students have two opposite stories for each USP, they should have a discussion and prepare an argument which of the two extremes they prefer. Which created the better story and why?