Main Goal

To get you started on the actual assignment.


Students can work individually as well as in small groups (2-6).


Internet, newspapers, magazines,photos, videoclips, cardboard paper or computer, felt-tipped pens.


A teaser poster for a film.


Can be used and adopted for any type of creative project.


Develop a script and storyboard to put the film in production.


This exercise has been part of the Jyväskylä Commercialpolis meeting.

Moodboard exercise to help you to get started with your video.

Create a moodboard to get you started on the actual assignment. What film benchmarks of films would you use to illustrate the idea of your final assignment? You may collect clips, photos, etc. What would the final film look like? What is the style, the overall feeling etc? And what should it not look like? Make a presentation and be prepare to present your ideas.

Design a teaser poster for the film that sparks peoples interest.