Main Goal

Understands how brand ambassadors are chosen and developed in marketing campaigns to address relevant target groups and improve the recognizability of the campaign.


Small groups can talk about the examples and present the personal outcomes.


The teacher has to watch the two keynotes of Jessica Tscherrig and Dennis Lück.

Prepare the example movies for the own presentation.

Prepare some questions and tasks for the groups.


The students are prepared for a client briefing and to do a storyboard or create a commercial videos with brand ambassadors.


Fits with the two keynote lectures linked above.


Can be in a larger exercise with the client briefing exercise.

Stage 1.

Let the students watch the keynotes of Jessica Tscherrig and Dennis Lück, or even better, create one yourself with the material of the presentation and add some other examples.

Stage 2.

The groups have to write the conclusion of each keynote.

Discuss the results with the students.