Main Goal

Recognize obstacles and mistakes in producing good sound.


Groups with 3 to 5 students. This exercise requires some time: half a day for the briefing, 3 days for the production, half day for the presentation.


Sufficient sound equipment, clapperboard, cameras, tripod.


A short commercial about a person who is making special food or beverage.


Sound is important, even more if people are talking about themselves or about a product. Can be combined with the client briefing exercise.


Has been applied in the Commercialpolis St. Gallen meeting.

First step:

Show in small exercises how to use the sound equipment you have available at school. The students have to be able to use the microphone and sound recorder on their own.

Second step / Briefing:

This is a possible briefing, of course it can be different:

  • Show a clip with the person who is making this special food.
  • It has to be an interview with this person and also show the production.
  • The client would like to know what makes this specialty special (it can be food or a beverage)

Target group: foodies (people with a passion for food).

Technical aspects:

  • The videos should be used especially for social media and exhibitions.
  • Spoken comments/interviews have to be in English or with subtitles.